Fanaa’s story revolves around three characters, that is, Ishan, Paakhi, and Agasthya, and how the dynamics change with several twists and turns. Starring Reem Shaikh, Zain Imam and Akshit Sukhija in the lead roles.
Now the exclusive news is that after the maternity break Kishwer Merchant is back on television by entering the much in buzz show Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawaan 3. Further details about her character are yet to be disclosed.
After Paakhi finds out the truth, she has a hard time being okay in front of Agastya. Agastya feels like Paakhi is hiding something and wants to find out why but he also has to tie up loose ends.
When Paakhi notices that Agasthaya is leaving to be somewhere, she follows him and she is shocked to see him in the hospital and especially with Ishaan’s nurse, at the same time she gets a text from Virat saying that they have received the reports, and Agasthaya is guilty, reading this she throws her phone and Agasthaya notices it and he is shocked about why she was there in the hospital he tries to manipulate her but Paakhi loses her cool on him and tells him all the truth that she has found out him, she tells him that she feels betrayed and that she has all the evidence now and she will get him arrested.
We also saw that Naveli was getting blackmailed and the blackmailer wanted money. Naveli struggles to find the money.
In the upcoming episode, we see that after Naveli acts Suspicious, so when Paakhi notices that Naveli has the necklace, she follows her and finds her meeting with the Blackmailer.
When the blackmailer starts acting weird and starts threatening Naveli because she cannot give him the full money, he threatens to kill her and Paakhi enters the moment and everyone freaks out, the blackmailer asks her to leave but she doesn’t.
Paakhi tries to trap the blackmailer and he falls down as Paakhi tries to take the knife away she is attacked and hit in the head, she faints.