Bollywood and TV actress Karishma Tanna turned a year older yesterday. Amid the COVID-19 the actress hosted an intimate birthday bash which was attended by her close pals from the industry. Last night, we saw celebs like Ekta Kapoor, Riddhima Pandit, Urvashi Rautela, Suzzane Khan, singer Guru Randhawa among others arrive for Tannaβs birthday bash. The actress, who turned 37, hosted a birthday bash and attendees were snapped by the shutterbugs arriving at the venue.
The hot and sassy Karishma Tanna set the temperature soaring in a sizzling black dress as she turned a year older. She picked a velvet black jumpsuit with a plunging neckline. Ditching the accessories, Ms. Tanna looks stunning sporting minimal makeup. Suzzane Khan chose an orange and black checkered skirt that she paired with a blue top. Sporting a grey mask, the former star wife was snapped stepping out of the car. TV Czarina Ekta Kapoor was snapped at the bash wearing a blue knee-length dress paired with black stockings and heels.
Daisy Shah picked a satin floral dress with a pair of strappy heels to go with it. Daisy accessorized her look with hoop earrings and a clutch bag. Manish Malhotra looked dapper in a denim jacket with a pink floral embroidered jacket on the sleeves. Punjabi star Guru Randhawa opted for an all-black look for the birthday bash. He chose a black t-shirt and pants paired with a leather jacket. Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela looked stunning in a black bodycon dress which she paired with a blue mask. The actress rounded off her look with diamond earrings and hair partitioned in the middle.
Riddhima Pandit looked pretty in a crop top and skirt, while Harleen Sethi sported a cool and comfy outfit paired with boots. Aparshakti Khurrana was seen twinning with his wife Akriti Khurana in black. Akriti paired her black t-shirt with white denim.
The ladies surely looked pretty hot!
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