Karishma Tanna’s new song, Basanti, from the upcoming film Suraj Pe Mangal Bhari has already reached a whopping 6.2 million views on YouTube in just 3 days, making it an absolute essential for every party playlists.

Just like the rib-tickling trailer the first song from the film is full of high-energy, quirk, and a lot of fun. Karishma Tanna, who looks gorgeous in a red number tells us what looks like acting on screen is all real.

β€œAll the madness and energy that you see on screen is all real and not acting. The song is a testimony of the amount of fun we had shooting for it. Manoj sir, Abhishek Banerjee, and I would do a lot of impromptu steps and get a lot of impromptu reactions because there was something different in every take. The candid moments have been captured in its full essence and it reflects on-screen”, said Karishma Tanna.

The satirical lyrics have been written by Danish Sabri, with Javed-Mohsin giving the song the sound of the 90s. The song has been choreographed by Vijay Ganguly.

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