Crime Patrol Watch Online is an Indian crime television series created, developed, written and directed by Subramanian S. lyer for Sony Entertainment Television India and Sony Entertainment Television Asia. The series presents dramatized version of crime cases that occurred in India. The series was first premiered on May 9, 2003, and ran for 3 seasons. Currently, season 4 titled Crime Patrol Dastak is being aired and is hosted by Anoop Soni. Season 4 has aired the infamous Baby Falak case and 2012 Delhi gang rape case.
Motto of the show is “Crime never pays”. According to host Anoop Soni, the basic idea behind such a reality show was to make viewers aware of the criminal activities occurring in their neighbourhoods and how they can protect themselves. It dramatizes real-life crime and events and details how the police went about solving the case.
The season was telecast weekly on every Friday at 10:30 PM IST for half an hour, from May 9, 2003 to March 3, 2006. It was hosted by Diwakar Pundir who later was replaced by Shakti Anand.
This season was aired 4 days a week on every Monday-Thursday at 8:30 PM IST for half an hour, from January 26, 2010 to June 24, 2010. It was presented by known Indian television actors Anoop Soni and Saakshi Tanwar. Juhi Chawla appeared in the first episode of the show to make her debut on television.
Its third season was telecast bi-weekly on every Friday and Saturday at 11 PM IST, from September 24, 2010 to December 25, 2010. This season was hosted by Anoop Soni. The air time of this season was 1 hour, with an average of 25-35 minutes of running time.
April 29, 2011 β Present. This season is titled as Crime Patrol Dastak. It was aired bi-weekly on every Friday and Saturday at 11 PM IST, till June 23, 2012. From June 29, 2012, the series was telecast tri-weekly on every Friday-Sunday at 11 PM IST , till October 6, 2013. Now again from October 11, 2013, it is aired bi-weekly on every Friday and Saturday at 11 PM IST, due to the new show Bhoot Aaya on the same channel, which airs weekly on every Sunday at 11 PM IST. This season is again hosted by Annop Soni. The air time of this season is 1 hour, with an average of 35-45 minutes of running time.
On January 11, 2013 and January 12, 2013 the show was to air a special episode focusing on the 2012 Delhi gang rape case, but after objections from Bhartiya Stree Shakti(Nagpur Wing)], a non-governmental organisation, Information and Broadcasting Ministry of India intervened and asked Sony Entertainment Television not to telecast it keeping in mind the sensitivity involved. But on September 10, 2013, Crime Patrol got the green signal to narrate the 2012 Delhi gang rape case on their show, and subsequently the promos of the episode were also aired. The episode was aired in a two-episode part on September 21, 2013 and September 22, 2013 on Sony TV.