Surbhi Chandna has been ruling the TV screens with her stellar performances each day. The actress is garnering a lot of praise for her character in the show. Surbhi Chandna has always been an actress who is extremely warm and at the same time earnest. Currently seen playing Bani Sharma in Naagin 5, Surbhi has been working really hard to ensure she is able to live up to the expectations of the supernatural show. Recently, at the Gold Awards shoots, we caught hold of Surbhi and asked her reaction to the reception she has received as Bani and for Naagin 5. Reiterating that she is giving her best for the show, Surbhi shared she is very happy with the people who have been reacting to her and her performance.
“It is a big responsibility and I have always maintained that. To be Ekta Kapoor’s heroine is not an easy task, it comes with so much responsibility and tonight has been a night of compliments where many have told me that I have lost weight and it is all for Naagin and Bani. It is something Ekta has trusted me with and I have to give my 200% to it,” Surbhi told us. She added, “I think I am just looking at the response and it is amazing. I did not expect this because people have seen great faces in the previous seasons, be it Mouni Roy, Adaa Khan, Surbhi Jyoti, Nia Sharma, Jasmin Bhasin, I feel everybody was so amazing, hence I have to work double hard and I am enjoying every bit of it.”
Surbhi is seen alongside Mohit Sehgal and Sharad Malhotra in the show. Sharad and Surbhi’s chemistry is being loved by the audience and they already are shipped as VaNi.
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